DAY 9: Sunday, November 17

Today I have to do a self-tape audition, which the actress who plays my daughter, Samantha Coughlan, helps me with. It’s for a part in a film that would shoot in Australia. It’s quite small, not at all worth the long flight, but if they did hire me, and send me there, I’d figure out some way to stretch the trip to a week at least.

We have found a little private lounge in the Radisson which is great to shoot self tapes in, very private, quiet and well-lit.  I get it done quickly so that I dpn’t eat up too much of Sam’s time. She’s a terrific scene partner.

Afterwards, I hike around the area near to the hotel and wander up the hill behind where our location is, to some cliffs above the sea and another cove with a public beach.

I order an avocado smoothie, which was advertised as “a great source of potassium” which I guess I need, and an Americano down at the little cafe overlooking the beach and the area designated as the “Surf school”. The actual surf looks to be about 6 or 7 inches, just north of a public pool on the “challenging” scale.

I start a watercolor painting from one of the photos I took in M’dina, but it’s way over my head. I will push it along if I have more time next week.

I alternate back between going in the sauna and dipping myself in the cold pool until I’m almost too relaxed to walk back to the room, and go to sleep.

I sleep very well, about 8 hours. I still feel the waves whenever I’m sitting or laying down. I imagine this sensation is shared by the students of the Maltese “Surfing School”.