Monthly Archives: April 2020

New Cautionary Poem: SEBASTIAN

By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00April 22nd, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

Sebastian liked to play the slots, in fact, he played them lots and lots. Infrequently he’d win, but then would promptly start to lose again. His youth was spent, the lion’s portion, gambling away a [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00April 17th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

Why topple towers or raze empires and pulverize to dust an edifice of ages past much better left to rust? Why dominate and lay to waste a citadel revered, instead of raising one yourself entirely [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00April 9th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

For centuries or so it seems, (interminable quarantine!) From dusk to dawn and in between I’m staring inches from a screen. Each cluttered area I’ve cleaned; From human contact I’ve been weaned My eyes are [...]

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