I talk to a lot of actors, and I have run across a reluctance among many of them to take full advantage of social media, which I find perplexing.
Enough of them have echoed the same considerations that I think it’s worthy of mention. I actually spend a lot of time trying to help them bust through their limited opinions about YouTube, for example, a platform which has been very helpful for me, and has been an avenue of much success for many.
Social media is a tool. It’s new, it’s sometimes alarming or intrusive, and It might carry a bit of a stigma or negative reputation, but at its best it’s a fast, inexpensive method to get out an artistic message.
As long as one is thoughtful about what is being put out, there’s no need to be overly squeamish.
Just as back in the olden days, when we used to have to be mindful of the language we used when composing letters, we were aware that once a letter left our hand, it could go anywhere, (albeit much, MUCH slower than today.)
That mindfulness didn’t stop us from sending out all the written communication we wanted to.
Today, especially for an actor or an artist, and possibly for any business, YouTube is an extraordinary way to reach people and stay in touch.
For me, it continues to be a creative treasure chest, and a true game-changer.
Where else can you have your own show, experiment, express your views and your aesthetic, in a place where people all over the world can discover and communicate with you?
And now there are even established ways to work with brands to collaborate, and actually make some money for yourself if you are so inclined.
Some actors feel that posting notices about their projects or photos from the set are a form of “bragging”, and they are hesitant about letting the world know of their activities in this way, lest they be thought less of. But that is a false viewpoint that can really debar success.
Your friends and associates actually would LIKE to know what you are up to in your artistic endeavors. They can even feel resentful if you have a show and don’t tell them when it is! They would like you to be successful, and want to share in your journey.
Share your successes and don’t hesitate to share your art. That IS what art is for.
Sure, you will open yourself up to critics and trolls. But you will also learn who they are, and you’ll work out how to deal with them quickly enough.
You’ll also have a clearer idea of exactly how few critics there are, compared to admirers.
The benefits of using social media to share your art are many fold. You truly never know what interesting opportunities can arise from sources you never even knew existed.
Part of splurging on one’s art form is, I believe, letting the world share in your life and work. At this unique moment in the history of the human race, it’s faster, cheaper and more promising than ever.
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