Jimpressions Page

What are Custom Jimpressions?

Custom Jimpressions are customized audio messages handmade by Jim. They say whatever you want them to say in whatever celebrity voice(s) you choose.

How do I get one of these?

1. Choose your message length.

2. Choose your celebrity voice(s).

3. Type your message.

4. That’s it!

What are my choices?

Below are a few pre-recorded samples of Jim’s celebrity impressions. Yours will say whatever you want, but these give you an idea of what they will sound like. You have over 50 celebrity voices to choose from for your Custom Jimpression. (See full list)

Jack Nicholson

Christopher Walken

Morgan Freeman

Ian McKellen

Robert Deniro

Colin Firth


Custom Jimpressions are customized audio messages handmade by Jim.


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