Yearly Archives: 2020


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00December 7th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

“Change all the traffic lights in town from yellow, red and green to only yellow– THAT will bring improvement to the scene!” So said our mayor, in response to problems in our town, and passed [...]

The Unfortunate Captain

By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00November 29th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

The passengers contentedly aboard the tall ship Liberty untroubled were by distant clouds which faultless eyesight scarce allowed. The captain didn’t help at all. Quoth he, “Yon storm is no mere squall, it’s Noah’s flood! [...]

The Beat Goes On

By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00November 19th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

Roland, when he pondered it Felt that his heart would up and quit. This normally quite rational guy was certain he would shortly die. For when he let attention stray it wound up in his [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00September 14th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

Peace and war, while distinct situations are alike CREATIONS of mankind, all on their own or combined in separate nations. Create the PEACE you want to see around, not by holding others down, not by [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00August 3rd, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

God tripped one day and made the world. Our very universe unfurled because, (not following a plot, nor any plan–mein Gott!) a chain reaction soon transpired as unintentionally was sired an infinite parade of stuff [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00June 25th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

I have a friend I’ve never met I met him on the Internet He knows my birthday, I know his, we’ve both shared photos of our kids, We both hold not dissimilar views, and share [...]


By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00June 12th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

Vincent, when he had time to kill indulged himself in every thrill. The most life-threatening sports he’d choose, on motorcycles or canoes. He surfed (alone, I should explain) while ‘round him roared a hurricane, He [...]

The Iron Cart

By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00May 26th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

The iron cart in which I rode, Dodging pebbles from the crowd, A steady rain glistened the rail as stones and insults fell like hail. To what grim stop was I en route, soaked, desolate [...]

The Old Tree and the Sapling

By |2023-03-04T23:02:29-08:00May 26th, 2020|Blog, Uncategorized|

An old pine counseled a sapling “Be patient. Do not fret. Your limbs will grow, your buds will sprout, Your trunk will form a thick redoubt. In time you’ll grasp what it’s about, And pain [...]

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